الأربعاء، 31 يوليو 2013

Sale of two paintings of the British painter Francis Bacon in the amount of 21 million pounds

Sale of two paintings of the British painter Francis Bacon in the amount of 21 million pounds

Sold to Ouhtan the work of British artist Francis Bacon, one of which was the first painting sold by the artist in his life, in the amount of 21 million pounds at an auction of art in the British capital of London.
And sold to the plate "top 3" in the amount of 10.4 million pounds, to be within the private art collection of American art collector, the painting was sold for 150 pounds in the first personal exhibition of Bacon 54 years ago.
He estimated auction selling price between $ 5 million to 7 million pounds.
And sold a tripartite panel Portrait (consisting of three panels) painted by Bacon in 1966 to Isabel Rawstron, a friend of the artist and his lover and muse, in the amount of 11.3 million pounds.
, Dating Bacon and Isabel through Thouderathma for the first Mardahma at the Hanover Gallery in London in 1949.
The estimated amount for the sale of this artwork is 10 million to 15 million pounds.
And other works of art offered at auction by Sotheby's contemporary art work feted by David Hockney in his native, Dobl East Yorkshire, has been sold for 3.4 million pounds, more than 400 thousand pounds of the estimated amount of the sale.
And said Alex Branchik, head of contemporary art at Sotheby's auction in London "It was a strong night for British Art and Vongrav and work of abstraction European and German artists.
He added, "We have provided some historical works of art and made some great prices., As buyers flocked to the path of exhibits expert choices, buying intelligently emotional and Hamas."

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